Food drive from Curves
Barbara and Rob-food baskets
Clothing for homeless in Park
Clothing Dive
Schools picking up food
Tim -Lifeline adopted in care
  • Curves Thanksgiving Help
  • Curves Christmas Help 2021
  • Barbara Laukaitis-Owner of Curves White Marsh MD (angel in disguise)
  • Christmas Help for Community
  • Keeping those in need warm during the winter
  • Thanksgiving -Help for families



Welcome to  Lifeline Assistance 


   Missionaries and Helping Hands to our community!

   We've been expecting you!!


        Listen real close…CAN YOU HEAR IT?

The sound of people echoing the cry of their hearts? Some are whispering it; some are singing it, while others are SHOUTING IT LOUD! One thing's for sure, today's person is not satisfied with yesterday's solutions and religious routines. We won't be satisfied with little pat answers, or be soothed by a new outfit.

We want a revolution and we hear the stirrings of it at Lifeline. We want to make a difference in other lives, so we are stepping out by faith. The Bible tells us that "Faith without works is dead". Well, are you ready? Are you ready to put your works with your Faith?  I know you are or you would not be here today. So...


Our Mission - 

To help people of all ages, color and economic backgrounds to become whole, prosperous and victorious people, living healthy, happy and rewarding lives.


Our Vision - 

To build unity, trust and honor among others through Fellowship, Worship, Teaching, and Prayer. To establish a  person's worth and identity not by what they do but by who they are; to sharpen, strengthen, and encourage one another in our individual gifts and callings. To provoke and develop a spirit of excellence as a woman, man, wife, mother, husband,  and co-worker in our community.  We desire to link arms with the local agencies and other programs; together, touching our cities and reaching our communities!


 Our Goal -

To instill self worth and provide tools for a more productive, healthy and rewarding life. To change our world by remembering…… It takes ONE NATION to make a difference in our world. It takes ONE COMMUNITY to make a difference in our nation. And it only takes ONE PERSON to make a difference in a family. 

When considering giving to some of the causes you may see throughout our website please remember the story of Joe. He was only known as Joe,  because he was homeless. To a lot of folks homeless people become known as just faces. They loose their identity and their self esteem is little to none. Well, in Joe's story, there were lots of people who would pass his way everyday. In their minds they would mull over if they were to give whether Joe would use the money for something good.  You know, liquor or beer. They almost gave lots of times. They almost went home, gathered a blanket to take back to Joe. They almost drove Joe to a shelter. Well, one night Joe almost made it through the night. You cannot go back and say "If only I had...." Please give! If you can give and don't have time to get involved or just don't want to get involved, your money can go a long way toward helping an individual or sometimes a whole entire family. 

